Friday, November 21, 2008

A new set of Reasoning Ability

The answers of the previous set

1. a) Wednesday ; 2. b) 14 ; 3. d) 105 dig ; 4. b) 256 ; 5. b) They are cousins ; 6. b) 3 ; 7. a) 51 ; 8. b) 3/8 ; 9. c) 10 ; 10. d) All hen are bi-peds but they are not women.

Are you ready to face today's questions? Here we go.

Today's (21st November, 2008) Questions

1. Fill in the next number in the series

16, 26, 37, 49, 62, _________

a) 72
b) 76
c) 65
d) 66

2. Find the missing link in the following series

1.8, 2.7, 4.6, 8.5, _____, 32.3, ________

a) 12.6
b) 16.4
c) 10.4
d) 12.4

3. Spot the odd one

a) 8
b) 27
c) 63
d) 125

4. Cube root of .000729 = ?

a) .027
b) .009
c) .09
d) none of the

5. The wages of an employee were first reduced by 40% and then increased by 50%. What was his percentage of loss?

a) 15
b) Not loss
c) 10
d) 12

6. A tired research scientist went to bed at 10 o’clock one night after setting his alarm clock for noon the following day. When the alarm woke him up, how many hours had he slept?

a) 14
b) 12
c) 11
d) 2

7. Fill in the blanks with the most logical choice

Fare is to fair as hare is to _______________

a) limb
b) hair
c) house
d) mouse

8. Fill in the blanks with the most logical choice

___________ is to musician as art is to artist.

a) orchestra
b) music
c) mouth
d) ability

9. Fill in the blanks with the most logical choice

_____________ is to desert as boat is to river.

a) sand
b) mud
c) camel
d) cactus

10. In a row of children, Jacob is fifth from left, and Michael is eighth from right. When they exchange positions Jacob is thirteenth from left. What will Michael's position be from the right?

a) seventh
b) eighth
c) fifteenth
d) sixteenth

An Update: The next session will appear on 26th November, 2008. Till then, stay tuned.

